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The Nordic Psychiatrist turns ten!


Did you know that Nordic psychiatric collaboration is very old? It dates back 1906, at that time it was named The Scandinavian Psychiatric Association. The name was changed to The Nordic Psychiatric Association in 1935. However, the association was terminated in 1946, after the Second World War. Neverthless, there has been a close cooperation between the Nordic countries after 1946. This cooperation, which has included the Baltic countries for the last decade, finally resulted in the association being formally established again in the 22nd century.

Known for many years as the Joint Committee, the name was changed to Nordic Psychiatric Associations ten years ago. The main purpose of this collaboration is to arrange The Nordic Psychiatric Conference every third year, as well as publish the Nordic Journal of Psychiatry.

In 2012, a journal The Nordic Psychiatrist was founded in order to become a common voice for our national associations and to enable communication between all of us. All off the member countries are the role models in different ways, and the journal creates a unique perspective of sharing various experiences, hopefully setting seeds for inspiration to others from time to time.

The Editorial Committee is constituted by one member from most member countries, and we meet twice annually in order to create a new issue of The Nordic Psychiatrist. Each time there will be a separate theme, which we hope will be of interest for you.

Highlights from the annual meeting to prepare the new issue of The Nordic Psychiatrist (September, 2022). Ramunė Mazaliauskienė, Hans-Peter Mofors, Marianne Kastrup, Anne Kristine Bergem and Páll Matthíasson.
Highlights from the annual meeting to prepare the new issue of The Nordic Psychiatrist (September, 2022). Ramunė Mazaliauskienė, Hans-Peter Mofors, Marianne Kastrup, Anne Kristine Bergem and Páll Matthíasson.

Apart from the main theme, you will read articles of common interest, such as educational perspectives, scientific overviews and always a summary of the last issues of the Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. The historical and cultural articles are very appreciated, as well as the ones about individual psychiatrist’s every day life.

Initially, the journal was printed and sent to all members in participating countries. But it turned out to be very expensive. The Nordic Psychiatrist has been additionally published online since 2016. in 2021 a major improvement was made - the new modern website format made the articles more readable and easier to share.

We try to engage colleagues to come up with suggestions with various topics as much as possible. It is striking of how positive most of you are in writing and participating. Without you, there would never have been a journal!

I have had the honor of being the editor for these ten years, which has always felt very meaningful. I hope that you enjoy The Nordic Psychiatrist as much as we do, who work with it. Please let us know on how you think we can make it even more better in the ten years to come! â–¡

Your humble editor,

Hans-Peter Mofors



Editorial board of The Nordic Psychiatrist, 2012 - 2022

Anne Kristine Bergem Bjarte Stubhaug Erika Jääskeläinen Hanna Tytarniemi Hans-Peter Mofors (editor) Hans Ågren (language editing) Ketil Odegaard Kristinn Tómasson Marianne Kastrup Nikita Bezborodov Ola Marstein Ottar Gudmundsson Páll Mattiasson Ramunė Mazaliauskienė Siria Lemma


Themes of The Nordic Psychiatrist, 2012 - 2022


Forensic Psychiatry

Quality and leadership


Can Science save Psychiatry?

Psychosis – one or many


Making a difference

Outside the box – Psychiatrists crossing boundaries


Sex and sleep

Good enough? – Learning and education


Who knows best?

The patients of tomorrow



Letters of psychotherapy


Crossing boarders

Shaping the future


The sick doctor

Personalized medicine


Psychiatry and the arts

Hope and resilience


Connecting Minds



Psychiatry at war

Perinatal mental health


List of recent covers of the Nordic Psychiatrist

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